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執筆者の写真Jonathan Holland






「私をイライラさせること vs. 私が望むこと」




● 私を怒らせること:おもちゃを片付けないとき。

● 私を幸せにすること:遊び終わったらおもちゃを片付けるとき。


● 私を怒らせること:誰かにブロックを倒されたとき。

● 私を幸せにすること:ブロックで素敵なものを作り終えたとき。




最近、著名なJALTメンバーのMasako Moriwakiさん,、Ran Noboshiさん、 Frances Shiobaraさんが主催するセミナーに参加する機会がありました。




























ポジティブ・ディシプリンについては、メンバーのウェブサイト とでさらに学ぶことができます。教師の方は、試すことができる本や教授法がありますが、Masako Moriwakiさんが言ったように「ポジティブ・ディシプリンはマインドセットです」。


Positive Discipline, Positive Encouragement

In teaching our kids, we have to focus on making sure that both education and discipline is

inclusive. What I mean by that is that we need to make sure that our children and students have

an active participation in each. Such an active participation will increase our children and

students' feelings of connection with home life and lessons, and will help to raise their ability to

work together with others in social situations.

One way that this can be done, in the area of discipline, is a simple fun exercise that can be

done both at home as a parent, and in the classroom as a teacher.

What bugs me versus what I wish would happen.

One of the big areas of helping to create a sense of discipline among children is a set of

well-established rules. Normally these rules are generally set by the adult, who then teaches

them to the students and makes judgments of what to do when they are broken. However,

instead of making rules arbitrarily, meaning by yourself, you and your child/students can create

rules together.

Discuss things with each other that make you both happy and things that make

you angry.

For example:

● What makes me angry: When people don't clean up their toys.

● What makes me happy: When we clean up our toys when we're finished playing with


The child might say:

● What makes me angry: When my blocks get knocked down by someone.

● What makes me happy: When I finish building something nice with my blocks.

When we give our children/students a say in their home and school life, this will have a hugely

positive impact on their confidence, feelings of safety, and they will take more enjoyment in their

surroundings. It should help them to take an active interest in the adults as well, with what they

do and how they act in accordance to these rules that are made.

Positive Discipline: Fostering Growth through Respect and Collaboration

Introduction to Positive Discipline

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar led by esteemed JALT members Masako Moriwaki, Ran Niboshi, and Frances Shiobara. Their discussions centered around an

educational approach known as Positive Discipline.

This method is designed to help children

become productive and socially adept members of society, emphasizing respect, cooperation,

and mutual understanding.

Benefits of Positive Discipline

Positive Discipline allows children to learn essential social skills and develop a sense of

responsibility. By involving children in classroom and home management activities, they become

more invested in their environment, leading to increased participation and enjoyment. This method encourages a shift from rote learning to active engagement, fostering a deeper

connection to the material and their peers.

For instance, when children participate in preparing a meal, they often find the food more

enjoyable because of their contribution. Similarly, working hard to achieve a goal brings a

greater sense of accomplishment. This principle is at the core of Positive

Discipline—encouraging active involvement to cultivate a sense of ownership and pride in their


We often have trouble with students who may not be interested in the subject, the class, or

connecting with the material. By fostering relationships between the teacher and the student via

feelings of mutual respect, and among the students themselves, you help them feel involved in

the learning process. Using activities where they are actively contributing to the classroom,

lesson, or home life, will allow them to feel far more interested in the things that go on there and

the people that they are around. They aren’t just learning by rote but are actively participating in

their own education. This is an aspect of Positive Discipline that, while learning and reading

about it, I have come to really appreciate.

In the classroom, this method is, in my view, highly effective. I don't, however, believe it to be an

entirely new sort of concept. Multiple variations of philosophy and teaching methods have been

discussed and used in western classrooms for the last 25 years. While they may not have been

called Positive Discipline, it represents a wave of thought that children learn better through

positive interactions and experiences as opposed to negative ones.

One of the activities mentioned in the Seminar was a more advanced version of one I used in

my nursery school classes. It was given by Ms. Moriwaki, and was a lesson on teaching

children on how to give and receive compliments to each other. She stated that she would teach

a sort of “complimentary phrase” in the morning and then before time to leave, her students

would take turns giving that compliment or other compliments to each other. It is reminiscent of

the conflict resolution strategy of “saying something you like about the other '' when two people

are in a conflict and a mediator has to try to resolve it in some way.

What I love about Ms. Moriwaki’s lesson is that there is no conflict present and the children are

learning to freely give each other positive encouragement, particularly during points of stress

that a class may encounter, such as when they are learning dances or songs for field day, or

class projects together. This ability to freely give meaningful compliments and feedback is a

huge advantage to those who learn it early in helping them socially to develop long lasting and

meaningful relationships with others.

Integrating STEM with Positive Discipline

Incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education into this

positive discipline framework can further enhance these benefits. STEM activities inherently

encourage collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking—skills that are essential for

positive social interactions and building relationships.

For instance, in a STEM-focused classroom, students can work together on projects like

building simple machines, conducting experiments, or coding basic programs. These activities

require students to communicate effectively, share ideas, and respect each other’s

contributions. When combined with Positive Discipline techniques, such as setting collaborative

goals and providing positive feedback, students not only learn academic content but also how to

work harmoniously with their peers.

Take for example a group coding project. Students can be tasked with creating a simple game

or animation using a platform like Scratch. Before starting, the class can discuss and agree

upon guidelines for collaboration, such as listening to each other’s ideas, dividing tasks based

on individual strengths, and helping peers who might struggle with certain aspects of the project.

Throughout the project, the teacher can facilitate discussions on what is going well and what

could be improved, encouraging students to give each other constructive feedback and


By integrating Positive Discipline with STEM education, we create a learning environment where

students feel valued and respected. This not only boosts their academic performance but also

prepares them to be empathetic, cooperative, and innovative individuals in the future.

In conclusion, combining Positive Discipline with STEM education can profoundly impact

students' academic and social development. By fostering an environment of mutual respect,

active participation, and collaborative learning, we help children build positive relationships and

develop essential life skills. This holistic approach to education not only enhances their

academic achievements but also ensures they grow into well-rounded, confident, and socially

adept individuals.

You can learn more about Positive Discipline at their website

methods which you can try, but as Ms. Moriwaki said “positive discipline is a mindset”, meaning

that you can easily adapt most of your teaching techniques and activities to have a more

positive and inclusive mindset when helping your students in the classroom.



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